Flexibility is King – GarageKing! Gardeners Storage Solution
Date Posted: 1 March 2021

Flexibility is King – GarageKing!
When it comes to storing your belongings, there is one thing we think is king, and that’s flexibility.
If your storage solutions can’t evolve with you and your life, things can start to get messy! The old saying, a place for everything and everything in its place will never get old or outdated. Your messy garage will though!
Our cutting-edge wall bays are designed with flexibility in mind. The ability to swap out a shelf for baskets or baskets for tool holders and hooks opens up a whole new world of storage solutions that you can easily change around yourself once the smart wall bays are installed.
Let’s take this garage wall designed for an avid gardener. It’s a combination of shelving, holders and hooks and takes advantage of the floor-to-ceiling space available in this home. By placing the more heavy-duty hangers at the top of the wall bays, we have opened up the space closer to the floor for items that can’t be hung or that you want easy access to more often.
This wall bay includes a 600mm panel, a 900mm panel, a pier bay and another 600mm bay.
We’ve shelved the first 600mm panel for gardening accessories that don’t necessary hang well or we prefer not to hang because it might look messy.
Fuel containers for whipper snipper/brush cutters and lawnmowers are up high and safely out of reach!
Bay two has a heavy-duty support bar attached to the highest point with a chainsaw bracket, brush cutter bracket and a shovel/rake bracket attached.
These brackets are incredibly versatile. They’re great storage for brooms, shovels, pitchforks, axes, weeders and blowers.
The pier bay is the perfect place to fill with single and double hooks and garden hose holders to hang extension cords, saws, small garden tools, hoses and cutters.
Our final garden guru storage solution has another heavy support bar with another two shovel/rake brackets with a fixing bolt, ensuring the axe we’ve stored here with our brooms and rake is safe and sound!
The best thing about this garage setup is that all of these accessories - shelves, hooks, holders and support bars can all be repositioned, adjusted and moved quickly and easily to suit any new items you buy and want to store.